These three buckets and a few other less important factors combine to determine autism risk for any individual. (Which isnt the same as saying its bimodal; the distribution still peaks in the middle, but its wider and flatter.). People at the higher end of the corporate ladder that Ive met were very intelligent and also seemed generally normal, though of course they had much higher-than-normal ambition, stamina, and interest in their business. Just look at Kanye West, for example. Norwegian founders with an international team on a mission to offer the equivalent of a Norwegian social safety net globally available as a membership. Plenty of people are both smarter and more charismatic than us. Judith Harris discusses this in one of her books. I dont think cystic fibrosis works that way. Hard to specify. Normal is being concerned enough with appearing normal to try being normal, yes. Or in the case of plants, their leaf structures are generated by a fractal pattern, and even small changes in the parameters of that fractal cause large changes in the ultimate pattern in a way that is chaotic and difficult to predict. Several studies have shown a genetic link between autism and intelligence; genes that contribute to autism risk also contribute to high IQ. Its not like theyll answer anybody. Beware Simpsons Paradox. People with average or above average intelligence and autism are much, much less likely to be diagnosed, because one contributing cause of a diagnosis is seeing a psychiatrist, which is much more likely for people who are having trouble in classes. If I personally were one of these hypothetical genius scientists in possession of technology that could reshape the world, I think that the most optimal strategy for me would be to offer this technology to the U.S. in exchange for a large sum of money say, $50 million. no ones saying this only affects autistic people identified female at birth. If the curve stayed exactly the same and there was a correlation between IQ > arb. When people came to our defense, it was generally with an idea I didnt like too much: that maybe there were different types of intelligence and if we sucked at [x] we must surely be good at [y]like life was an RPG character generator or something. This could be constructed as autistic behavior, but I dont buy it. First, doesnt the note say that the bottom graph (for each letter) is the likelihood that a father of x IQ will have a child with the specified outcome? The mothers of red-green colorblind individuals are frequently tetrachromats. Like, if you have one copy of a particular high-IQ gene you get high IQ, but two copies of that gene is too much of a good thing and you get autism?,, Arizone State University Autism symptoms reduced nearly 50% two years after fecal transplant, The Economist More evidence that autism is linked to gut bacteria, Maybe Your Zoloft Stopped Working Because A Liver Fluke Tried To Turn Your Nth-Great-Grandmother Into A Zombie,,,,, According to the different mechanism theory, they should have more, but by the collapsing tower theory, they should have fewer. Slate Star Codex was a blog by Scott Alexander about human cognition, politics, and medicine. 1), in which the genetic architecture of ASD seems to be different from one individual to another (Huguet et al. Still, the IQ-boosting alleles produce autism instead of a more classical low IQ that genetic load alone would have had. I am simply saying that when you encounter lots of GS11+ people they are exactly like Comey. If so, then the top-level geniuses may well have something else going on upstairs to enhance their intelligence, some other difference from the norms, that isnt part of the complex of IQ/autism risk genes. also, i just read through the swedish study cited in the post. Well, much debate here gets into the distinction between people with high functioning autism and Aspergers, due to a muddling at that end of the scale. The Tower vs Foundation model is probably an oversimplification of something like this. If the IQ/autism risk genes are being selected for, we should be seeing more top-level geniuses each generation (Im very skeptical of this) and more autistic children (this half checks out). Has anyone here actually met a highly intelligent person who is genuinely normal? Many definitions of autism center around forms of poor functioning which are correlated with low intelligence. ), in the general population, you will see a very strong correlation between the IQ score someone gets on the two different kind of IQ test, but among autistics, the correlation is much weaker. Im going to interpret fitting in as being liked.. If you keep stacking up genes that in isolation would improve your running speed, but that involve trade-offs or may have adverse interactions with each other by both modifying the same chemical pathway or something Eventually you have too many and things collapse. Jane Street is a quantitative trading firm with a focus on technology and collaborative problem solving. Because a masculinizing influence on the brain would militate against the development of brain structures telling the autistic person you are actually a girl.. It draws on the VPR model of intelligence, where g (general intelligence) is divided into three subtraits, v (verbal intelligence), p (perceptual intelligence), and r (mental rotation ability) despite the very specific names each of these represents ability at broad categories of cognitive tasks. His processing was below average. One solution is to view your family rather than your schoolmates as your peer group. So I doubt that trans feelings require an opposite-sex brain. This study finds lower heritability than the usual estimates (which are around 80% to 90%; the authors are embarrassed by this, and in a later study suggest they might just have been bad at determining who in their sample did or didnt have autism. For one, its multiple different kinds of mental tasks whose scores are then combined to get an IQ score. Some vaguely similar term like high functioning autism would be used. All this leads me to believe that people who are gifted and whos weirdness is more obvious are often misdiagnosed as having Asperger autism. Gender dysphoria. Maybe one bias from my statement is Im young, and many of my smart friends are also young. Some of the software I am running to handle those tasks manually requires huge amounts of processing power, resolution, intelligence, and or ability to abstract. Ive known people who were very mathematically and/or technically inclined who had poor social skills. Theyre often chatting about the latest sportsball game or what their kids are doing or their vacation plansconversations that wouldnt seem unusual anywhere in the US. More, by that point your identity probably includes significant aspects which make the idea of becoming normal and predictable less personally palatable. Fall short of that threshold and you have a pile of severely broken processes. In other countries including those in developed areas like Western Europe and North America IQ has been on the rise. For reasons that dont entirely make sense to me, if instead we look at the likelihood of the father to be a certain intelligence (bottom graph, where dark line surrounded by gray confidence cloud is autistic peoples fathers, and dotted line is neurotypical peoples fathers) it becomes more obvious that more intelligent people are actually a little more likely to have autistic children (though less intelligent people are also more likely. Overall scores could continue to rise due to the Flynn effect even as intelligence is being selected against on a genetic level, which is what the evidence is suggesting. I was thinking of Sickle Cell Anemia, where if you get the gene from one parent you are immune to malaria, while if you get from both, your blood cant carry enough oxygen. You mentioned height, which I think is a good example too we have studies (possibly not good ones) showing that taller people have better outcomes, get treated nicer, are more attractive but people who get too tall have bad medical problems, shorter life expectancy. Spoiler alert: ASD in adults was estimated to be 1%. The threshold is probably different for women and men. No need for (extremely valid) concerns about whether IQ tests accurately measure (normal/low) functioning autistics, e.g. They are being positively selected, ie increasing with every generation, presumably because people with the genes are having more children than people without them. This shows a) there isnt much of a childhood autism epidemic going on, its more likely that previous underdiagnosis occurred. The idea is that autistic children have more and finer-grained category boundaries, causing them to over-differentiate similar phonemes that most speakers use interchangeably. Today, he weighs about 195. But the basic eugenics of moving intelligence higher at the margin through differential fertility, or the soon-to-be possible embryo selection for intelligence, this is not an argument against that. The bit about Comey honestly just seems like partisan sniping to me. Four things that make one delicious combination. I could easily see someone unable to focus, stuck in a room banging their head just trying to make the noise go away. So by comparison, I could imagine that theres a bunch of gene variants that increase limb length, and that if you have a certain number of these you get some nice Usain Bolt proportions that help you win races. The dangling paren is disquieting enough to have prompted me to make an account: most of the other statistics mentioned here). However, I wouldnt be surprised if a statistically high proportion of people here are autistic or have autistic family members. Like many DSM diagnoses it is a junkheap of often unrelated symptoms wrapped up in a single label for essentially politically reasons. And in a sport like wrestling, which is heavily reliant on locks, holds, and pins, having those weak points could easily allow someone to overpower you. For one thing, the same studies that found that relatives of autistic patients had higher IQs find that the autistic patients themselves have much lower ones. >The Gardner study seems to suggest its a very weakly elevated risk, maybe only 1.1x or 1.2x relative risk. Getting more education is strongly correlated with later childbearing / siring. however, ASD without these two confounders shows no correlation with IQ. Broadly, intelligence might be, say: pattern recognition, ability to readjust priors, visual imagination, factual recall, procedural memory etc. Similarly, you would expect lower rates of male-to-female transgender identity among the population of people on the autism spectrum who came equipped with that Y chromosome. Of course, since intelligence and social aptitude seem to have a slight positive correlation, the real number might be closer to 150,000 or 200,000. However, I couldnt beat the Sophomore at 130 who was my workout partner in the weight room and only had 5-10 lbs on me in most lifts. The genes that control the development of that definitely dont do so in a linear or easily explainable way. I dont think there was much correlation at all with years of formal education, and the paths their lives and careers took are almost unimaginable now. Second, even if the test itself is good, autistic people may be bad at test-taking for other reasons for example, they dont understand the directions, or theyre anxious about the social interaction required to answer an examiners quetsions. Of 11 types of psychiatric condition, only autism was associated with increased intelligence among relatives. If you're interested in this, consider taking their Pledge as a formal and public declaration of intent. Big muscles can also reduce range of motion. Optimizing a complicated biological machinery thing to do whatever intelligence is most likely a very difficult thing for that machine to do. Second, my 3rd daughters birth was challenging. While our latest study shows that autistic people, on average, have a shift towards a masculinised profile of scores on empathy and systemising tests, they are not extreme males in terms of other typical sex differences. There simply haven't been any large, decent-quality studies showing that children in ABA show significant improvements over children not in ABA. 2016, p. 118), and there are many individually varied connections between brain and behavior (Kennedy et al. One possibility would be something like a tower-vs-foundation model. But extra cash helps pay for contest prizes, meetup expenses, and me spending extra time blogging instead of working. the kind of social impairment characteristic of bright but shy and social awkward people has much if anything to do at a deep level with the impairment experienced by non-verbal children with profound intellectual disabilities, despite the fact that we have built a social system that applies a similar label to both. I have many fewer data points on low functioning autistic people, who I have mostly met through church. Note that billionaires in America are still vulnerable to (using a topical example) wealth taxes, and abroad billionaires in Russia / China must play the cuddle up to Putin / Xi or die / get put in a camp game. This study of 45,000 Danes finds that genetic risk for autism correlates at about 0.2 with both IQ and educational attainment. What are the percentages of children who fall in each group? Also, if anything, it would be self-control thats being selected against by modern reproductive behaviors, not intelligence.
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