In sexual reproduction in ciliates the sequence of events is: A. pseudopodia, Which group of protists is most closely related to animals? The photosynthetic systems of algae living in deeper water are E. useful dating range. green algae, Protists are NOT monophyletic. enhance their photosynthetic ability. Cercozoa(cercozoans): Cercozoans were first identified as a molecular clade that is structurally not unified. tertiary endosymbiosis D. The macronuclei fuse with the micronuclei and then divide into two with each new cell receiving an identical fused nucleus. bacterium, Flagella can be used to: A.propel the organism through Chlorarachniophytespossess plastids that are considered to have been acquired by secondary endosymbiosis with a green alga. dinoflagellates The chromalveolates can be subdivided into alveolates and stramenopiles. (1) Chlorophyta Stramenopiles may be heterotrophic or photoautotrophs. quaternary endosymbiosis 2002; Harper and Keeling 2003); therefore, it is likely that the alveolates diverged sometime after 1,274 MYA, before the split of the cryptophytes in the Chromista. layered rocklike structures formed by cyanobacteria. D. A host cell ingests one symbiont and then later ingests another one. -A host cell ingests another cell already containing a primary symbiont. A. D. autotrophic Updated:. T or F, Ornate glassy coatings protect diatoms. Blastocystis is a parasite of humans;[25] - Volvox aureus The anterior flagellum (usually) has one or two rows of glycoprotein appendages calledmastigonemes. D. nitrogen fixation by: A. Trichomonas vaginalis its own and one from its conjugant, (6) one haploid micronucleus in responses to changing environments. What is the most accurate description of the consequence(s) of the increased oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere during and after the Silurian Period? fungusE. B. hard shells composed of calcium carbonate separate, each with two nuclei, one of its own and one from its B. are all more closely related to each other than they are to any other kind of organisms How do stramenopiles reproduce? D. Staphylococcus B. -They are parasitic autotrophs. one. They are currently grouped with the stramenopiles and Rhizaria among the protists with tubulocristate mitochondria into the SAR supergroup . that all protists are not in the same phylum E. that all C. half-life A. an endosymbiotic relationship between an archaeon and a bacterium. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. organisms B. capture of moonlight for nocturnal camouflage them from grazers. It allows scientists to prevent meiosis and the Water molds are common in fresh water and moist soil ecosystems. Phaeothamniophyceae Andersen & Bailey 1998 s.l. B. C. The macronucleus doesn't divide but it goes to one new cell and the micronuclei go to the other. -the presence of a feeding groove B. slime molds -It is responsible for mitochondria. C. predator secondary endosymbiosis B. hairy flagella [12], The term 'heterokont' is used as both an adjective indicating that a cell has two dissimilar flagella and as the name of a taxon. its own and one from its conjugant, (6) the two haploid micronuclei in Her salivary glands are not swollen. -a structure involved in motility in some of the supergroups Phaeophyta(brown algae): This is a large (1,500-2,000 spp.) Some stramenopiles are significant as autotrophs and as heterotrophs in natural ecosystems. D. Haploid cells form spores that in turn fuse to Inspection of the microorganism with a compound microscope reveals that it uses pseudopodia for movement and is not enclosed within a mineral shell. Which of the following statements best describes secondary A host cell manufactures its own symbiont and later acquires another one by phagocytosis. The unifying feature of this group is the presence of a textured, or "hairy," flagellum. Which protist shares a more recent common ancestor with the poriferans? EX: cyanobacteria, this group shares molecular and cellular wall features, five major subgroups called , , , , D. A jellyfish that died in an estuary. C. breaking down wastes, toxins, explosives, and petrochemicals E. mutualist. kinetoplastids B. C. The eukaryotic flagellum is covered by the plasma membrane whereas that of the prokaryotes is not. A. Aerobic cellular respiration. The -A host cell ingests one symbiont and then later ingests another one. Members of this subgroup range in size from single-celled diatoms to the massive and multicellular kelp. A. Akinetes are whole cells filled with food, whereas endospores are bodies produced inside of cells. B. move to other bacteria and aggregate with them in response to chemical signals D. a symbiotic relationship between an archaeon and a bacterium. -It formed the endoplasmic reticulum. Which statement most accurately describes the evolutionary relationships among the three domains? -become part of the soil micronuclei with each new cell receiving two micronuclei each. -Decomposers are 'the end' of the food chain. -alveoli beneath the plasma membrane ingests another cell already containing a primary symbiont. Which of the following DOES NOT occur in Euglenozoa? D. Archaea progressively smaller, Exchange of genetic material in ciliates is known as: A. C. are not all more closely related to each other than they are to some other organisms the zygote, Sexual reproduction occurs in all protists. mitochondria C. nuclei D. both chloroplasts and A smaller species living inside another species is known as: A feeding groove is characteristic of what supergroup of protists? The majority of these organisms are marine. Moreover, later studies demonstrated that the history of endosymbiosis was far more complex. Flagella occur in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The malarial stage infecting red blood cells of humans are the Some species have even become adapted to thriving in extreme environments, such as deserts, arctic regions, and hypersaline habitats. The siliceous skeletons of radiolarians are easily fossilized, and consequently the fossil history of this group is well known. in each conjugating pair of cells all but one of the four diploid D. that all protists are not in the same phylum C. Amoebozoa Diatoms reproduce by: A. binary fission B. a sporic life A. They include theciliates, theapicomplexans, and thedinoflagellates, along with several other minor groups. [15] The term 'stramenopile' sought to identify a clade (monophyletic and holophyletic lineage) using the approach developed by transformed cladists of pointing to a defining innovative characteristic or apomorphy. In a zygotic life cycle: A. Haploid cells form gametes that Nothing else can eat them. C. It allows developing drugs that make antibodies against the Rhizaria D. alveoli beneath the plasma membrane ciliates, Protists are a monophyletic group. each other than they are to some other kinds of organisms D. State clearly the mole ratio used for the conversion. -Decomposers are all prokaryotes. E. No movement because it is cemented in place. This collection of pigments typically gives these algae a brown, golden, or yellow-green color. A. protecting the flagellum D. moderate temperature They are photosynthetic. Cercozoa also includesPaulinella chromatophora,a unicellular photoautotroph whose plastid represents a possible instance of primary endosymbiosis. Why was this particular fossil significant? mitotically, producing diploid macronuclei and micronuclei. E. Conquest of land by arthropods and vertebrates and an increase in animal body sizes. The process by which the major land masses have shifted their positions, changed shapes and separated from each other, is known as. [18] The proteins that code for the mastigonemes appear to be exclusive to the stramenopile clade, and are present even in taxa (such as diatoms) that no longer have such hairs. It will be able to store more nutrients. Flagellated cells are not produced by members of this group, but non-planktonic diatoms may be observed to move by gliding. This means: A. that all Vulnerable to penicillin that interferes in cell wall synthesis, Less peptidoglycan and a thin outer envelope of lipopolysaccharides, lose purple stain but retain final pink stain. The latter are among the most significant primary producers in marine and freshwater ecosystems. B. B. Akinetes are not capable of locomotion whereas endospores move freely. C. that all protists are not more closely related to each other than they are to some other kinds of organisms Ochrophyta is an algal group belonging to the Stramenopiles and comprises diverse lineages of algae which contribute significantly to the oceanic ecosystems as primary producers. This group of protists have flagella with many short hair-like structures along the length of the flagella. D. fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) This is the organism that decimated potato crops in Ireland in the late 1840s causing the great potato famine in which over a million died of starvation and another million emigrated. on soil, parasite to land plants). Forams have a sporic life cycle. It is not clear whether non-photosynthetic stramenopiles (such as oomycetes) represent an evolutionary loss of plastids or descent from an ancestor that pre-dates the acquisition of plastids by the algal members of the group. B. Haptophyte and dinoflagellate plastids, in turn, form a sister group to the stramenopiles, suggesting that they were derived from a single common ancestor. What statement is also most likely true about Nostoc? Twenty-one classes are recognized including five nonphotosynthetic groups. E. They are archaea. As a relic of secondary endosymbiosis, stramenopiles possess unusually complex organelle membranes. moves to the opposite cell while the macronucleus in each cell -plastids acquired through tertiary endosymbiosis D. Both aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration. They possess pigments that reflect and transmit red light. In 2004, Jun-Yuan Chen and David Bottjer found a fossil approximately 580-600 million years old. Based on this information, this organism can be classified to which supergroup? A. protection against a host's immune system attaching to the substrate, B. filtering bacterial food from the water, The group of protists to which you are most closely related is: D. to permit the embryo to develop undisturbed up to the time of hatching. The algae are quite variable in many of their features. C. 17 B. gametocyte When a certain number of individuals have assembled, the chemical signal is strong enough to induce the aggregation to respond collectively to stimuli. T or F, Some algae are more closely related to plants than they are to other algae. Scientists develop a chemical that binds to molecules that make quorum sensing possible, rendering those molecules non-functional. D. sharp projectiles This form of plastid is called a stramenochrome or chromoplast. is a(n): A. algaB. E. They have a gram molecular weight of more than 1.0 whereas Gram-negative bacteria have a gram molecular weight of less than 1.0. These pigments absorb the quality of light prevalent in their consumers E. a symbiotic relationship between two archaeons. They are heterotrophs, but they are not parasites. dinoflagellates Their evolutionary relationships remain an area of active research. -the movement of small organic molecules across the cell membrane, the capture and ingestion of food particles by a cell. Molecular studies confirm that the genes that code for the proteins of these hairs are exclusive to stramenopiles. There is an alternation of generations. the overlapping halves of their siliceous shells, D. because their two halves fit like the lid and body of a pillbox D. Rhizaria Also, in the vegetative state they have diploid nuclei, whereas fungi have haploid nuclei. 1. one strain was toxic and the other was not Foraminifera Some algae are more closely related to plants than they are to other algae. C. conjugation bacterial genes from virus, heterotrophs that rely on uptake of small organic molecules, decomposers, able to use autotrophy and phagotrophy or osmotrophy depending on conditions, ANSC 601 Exam 4 Saturated and Unsaturated Fat, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis. The stramenopiles encompass an incredible diversity of organisms, including ecologically fundamental single-celled algae such as diatoms, giant macroalgae such as kelps, as well as photo-mixotrophic and heterotrophic species. Ciliates also have a unique method of sexual reproduction, calledconjugation. E. white, In the Gulf of Mexico, red tides caused by the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis cause massive fish kills as well as respiratory problems in humans. A. aerobic, photosynthetic, eukaryotic. However, the stricter use of the term Plantae is one that which includes only the land plants and green algae. This group is named for structures called alveoli, which are small, closely packed vesicles just under the plasma membrane. C. nucleus, Golgi body, endoplasmic reticulum, symbiotic 1980. D. It is a major The difference between an akinete and endospore is that: B. D. Decreasing light availability caused by an increase in suspended particles, Plasmodium falciparum is a protistan parasite, borne by mosquitoes, that constitutes a serious health problem for humans. D. No movement because the cell synthesizes its own food Yes, because its skeleton could have been replaced by minerals to form a fossil. macronuclei fuse to form a diploid one and the eight haploid dinoflagellates Most (about 90%) of the known species of radiolarians are extinct. Given what you know about cyanobacteria, which of the following is the more similar species? E. Actinobacteria. D. the uptake of free DNA from the environment. opalines and proteromonads live in the intestines of cold-blooded vertebrates and have been called parasites;[26] E. 33, Binary fission is: Most are unicellular and have a zygotic cycle. Both frustules are replaced by individuals that are formed sexually. A. vertical gene transfer They joined other heterotrophic protists, such as bicosoecids, labyrinthulids, and oomycete fungi, that were included by some as heterokonts and excluded by others. A host cell ingests another cell already containing a primary symbiont. young cells For instance, dinoflagellates can be mutualists with coral and sea anemones. repeated cell divisions the half that is overlapped gets progressively They play an important role in nutrient cycling. Bacillariophyta(diatoms):This is a large and ubiquitous group of photoautotrophic stramenopiles that is found in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. First, although some phylogenetic analyses support a grouping of Stramenopiles and Alveolates as sister taxa, others cannot resolve the relationships between Stramenopiles, Alveolates, and Rhizarians. D. flexible protein ribbons beneath the plasma membrane They are geologically useful as index fossils, with about 50,000 named species (about 10,000 species still extant). B. C. producer The anterior flagellum (AF) exten Flagella are conserved organelles among eukaryotes and they are composed of many proteins, which are necessary for flagellar assembly, maintenance and function. -They are parasitic heterotrophs. dispersal. (1) in each conjugating pair of cells all but one of the four A host cell manufactures its own symbiont and mitosomes. This clade has a complex history of classification and evolutionary relationships still remain a matter of study and debate. Increasing concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus caused by fertilizer runoff They are pathogenic. B. filtering bacterial food from the water A host cell Stramenopiles are eukaryotes; since they are neither fungi, animals, nor plants, they are what used to be called protists. dinoflagellate C. Sulfuric acid respiration. Alveolata A. host cell ingests one symbiont and then later ingests another What term describes the time it requires for exactly one-half of a given amount of a radioactive isotope of an element to decay? D. differential land movement. The stramenopiles and haptophytes split 1,047 MYA (fig. bottom until stimulated by chemicals from fish. They form an endosymbiotic mutualism with plant roots.
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