Considering the context, two cup court cards that are so overtly romantic - the Queen and Ten - it's very easy to interpret the Lovers as a unifying romantic force. Being unable to stop yourself from a shopping excursion because of the utterly persuasive shop girls. They look up to him and admire him. The wedding planner is puts the finishing touch on the wedding details, Hes going to marry the woman he wants to have children with. iFate Insight Blog. Being sad over the wrong person. Your lover/boyfriend/husbands takes you shopping. The Birth of a Baby Boy: The Sun and the Ace of Wands . Upright and reversed meanings of Tarot cards The Lovers and Ace of Cups together in readings of situation, future, love/relationship, finance and career. Mother and Father. Lovers upright AND Hierophant upright AND Three of Cups upright . Someone is being smug about a fight they probably won. It can indicate a soldier, war or someone who rushes towards battle. An agreement can be made to suit both parties. You use your words, clout and power to get your way in situations. The Hierophant Tarot Card Combinations. Reuniting with a lovers from either your past or a past incarnation. Praise for a job well done. He moves too slow and. Being determined, focused, brave and fiery. Every single lie and illusion coming into the harsh light of the sun. This lady gets things done for the party. . Perhaps it's saying he thinks you're sweet on him then, or you give off a "looking for love' vibe, if he is acting uninterested. These two have wandering eyes. Get your prediction of career, business and work by Tarot cards now! This would be a blatant: do nothing and dont move. The actor gets all the attention and praise, Really wanting to embark on a new business venture, Really wanting to get involved on a sexual level, She controls where the sex goes (or if it goes), Its her car, shell take control thank you very much, Actively reorganizing a trip to include creative projects, Shes doesnt put up with negative behavior and ducks out quickly. No matter how sexually enticing she is, he is going to use his mind, not his heart. When you have found an emotional plateau, you will see the Ace of Cups in your Tarot reading. Upright and reversed meanings of Tarot cards The Lovers and Ace of Cups together in readings of situation, future, love/relationship, finance and career. The feminine aspect of water, which he needs to feel whole, comes from you (the current/person in question) This situation involves. He loves to write you love letters and text you all day. Can indicate anytype of spiritual workshop, religious gathering or work related function. Unable to move your position. Someone tricking you into things you dont want to be involved in. Inspiration and action. Not stopping until you get it just right. This card represents the culmination of a sacrifice that has been rewarded with satisfaction, contentment and a deep, lasting peace. Choose someone strong who also makes you feel strong. The Lovers is the ultimate Tarot card for love and represents a unique bond and deep connection between two people. Overall, Two of Cups and Moon advice you to gain some clarity over this partnership. Enlightenment i also got a very mushy vibe. In this case, Six of Cups & Moon together indicates someone returning from the past to reveal their deep feelings. ex: texting while driving results in a traffic violation. All combinations for tarot card Ace of Pentacles. She connects with someone else who has a spiritual trajectory. Wheel of Fortune > Ace of Cups: Can be a chance encounter that leads to love, relationship may feel fated. Focusing on all the tasks you need to get done, A very sensitive and caring mother who is often torn between two children, Trying not to cry at a sad movie or other emotional event. could indicate new business partnerships. Feeling pitiful and sad and writing about it. You will become someone else in the same body. Tarot Card Meanings The Eight of Cups shows a man turning his back on all his cups and walking away. The Sun(XIX) + Six of cups: Feeling at home. The feminine aspect of water, which he needs to feel whole, comes from you (the current/person in question). You may be evoking some deep emotions that they dont know how to deal with. He/she has been after him/her for a long time and finally is victorious. Finality, resolution, closure and forgiveness of a situation. The simplest way to think about the Ace of Cups is that it references: Creative energy, passion and new romance. Baking, cooking or gardening and needing to go out and find the needed ingredient, Completely satisfied with this new path you are venturing on, Not being able to resist breaking your diet. Something needs to end, but there has been a suspension. There is power within you and that power is seeping out. Everyone at the boardroom loves him. Ace of Cups and 10 of Cups. When you are in doubt, listen to your intuition for guidance. What is holding you back from love? Read the meaning each of Tarot card in a pair to understand the full interpretation. Ive got my own plans.. Unfaithful lover sneaks around with someone else or who has some other secret life that they are not sharing with their partner. ; Second, shuffle the two decks below, the first one is for the The Lovers and the second one is for the Ace of cups. Read the meaning each of Tarot card in a pair to understand the full interpretation. He thinks she is like a star, shinning on him all the time. Feeling good and bad is part of the healing process. Steadily working through the day perhaps at an institute such as school or a. It will be in the. User our contact form to introduce yourself.And please read our ESG statement too. The old man shows you how to control your emotions, The old man controls his emotions when hes confronted with feelings, The older gentleman is a master of his emotions, reigning in and controlling an emotionally pivotal moment. Signing of legal contracts (business or romance). its just not getting any better even when you try. Structure meets abundance. The Fool > Nine of Cups: Your wish will be fulfilled in a completely unexpected way. Able to analyze and logically figure out any solution to all legal and life problems. The Lovers on the other hand, is associated with the zodiac sign Gemini, and not directly associated with a primary element like the Ace of Cups. Taking periodical naps through out the day. The woman with the big stick is not going to put up with this nightmare of a situation. (This combo came up with the Devil on top and the Queen of Swords, on the bottom. This comes to a relief to you, so you can spend time alone. Getting a lot done alone and in a short amount of time. The Lovers typically represents choices and decisions that need to be made, while Ace of Cups is the card of new . The cup of love and creative energy runneth over. Or you two need to teach each other. On the other hand with the Moon card, there is an uncertainty, fear or confusion that holds them back. It is strong and enduring. Lots of balloon animals being made (2 of Pents). Earth based plans are canceled such as a lunch, a date, or anything physical. A conversation on the phone with someone you have made a connection with. Knight of Cups > The Hanging Man: Whatever is being offered may be held up and doesn't take off, going nowhere at this point. Ace of Cups is unique in that although it has a goodly number of meanings, they are consistent as no other cards meanings are. It traditionally describes a union of love- so it can represent soulmates and twin flames as well. Staying at home all day in a luxurious environment, Family values that will transcend generations, Complete and total balance of work and home. Art museum exhibits from around the world. Lovers upright AND Ace of Pentacles upright AND Ten of Cups upright Details. You drop the cloak, turn around, see the full cups, the bridge and finally realize the angel was with you guiding you towards the right person after all. Someone is plotting to take you down. Stable emotional tramua mainly in the evening. Someone from your past rises from the dead. The King of Cups and the Lovers combination as feelings represents someone feels strong loving emotions towards you that urges them to make an important choice. Love: You balance each other out perfectly. Ask yourself: Is there a truth that you avoid seeing? Not thinking everything clearly through as you lay everything that you know on the table. They love each other just as they are. Intense spiritual connection to the earth. Find the one who offers support and help when needed. From a basic emotional level you feel worthless. Copyright of 2023. Being at home while working on the computer. A message is delivered to someone who relentlessly tries over and over again, yet the answer is always no. Avoiding invitations and proposals in favor of spending the day relaxing. A goodbye without hard feelings. This simple 3-rune spread borrowed from tarot, reveals the past, present and future of any situation, person or event. Success in business and the signing of contracts. Children. Rune Meanings If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. It is very intense. The Sun(XIX) + Ace of cups: Answered Prayers. Something unexpected happens that causes you to break up and its a relief. Containing your emotions even though they feel like they are over flowing inside. Loving someone like a mother would their son. There is no argument, your cup is full. All rights reserved. A situation between a man and a woman. Now is the time for new experiences and people, if youre happy about it then youre allowed to sing and shout. Most likely solitary. First, think of your love question. Not me. You refuse to change your position and resort to underhanded and manipulative tactics to get your way. When everyone adores you, you feel complete. It can also be read as Page of Cups and 7 of Wands reversed. He coaches the kids lacrosse (or any sport) with vigor and, You have the energy to get everything on your to do list done, A person with the King of Wands characteristics maybe causing your anxiety and. Mental stimulation has always been romantic for them. 'Chemistry' is an intermediate 6-card tarot spread which reveals the energies and romantic possibilities between people. The Moon is his only companion through this journey to the unknown. Negatively, one person changes and their lover does not.- partnerships joy;- partnerships success;- partnerships celebration;- partnerships positivity;- duality joy;- duality success;- duality celebration;- duality positivity;- union joy;- union success;- union celebration;- union positivity;- Long life together . When you get Ace of Cups, you got it: no surprises. Select one of combination to see what it means . Mutually satisfying partnerships are the theme of Two of Cups. Wheel of Fortune > Three of Wands: A good opportunity that will bring initial stages of success, indicates progress and expansion in business matters. Being bound to an unpleasant situation with your children. For some of you, the Six of Cups can represent second chances as well. Daydreaming about finishing them all. Feeling so worn out from the fight that you reject all other offers. He puts you on a pedestal. You must act on your feelings, I really dont care anymore because this is the truth. On the Rider Waite Smith deck, the water on The Ace of Cups symbolizes an overflow of love and emotion. The water and fire make this pair unwelcome. Lovers AND Sun combination - Long life together, changing together with someone. I Ching Meanings This combination also indicates some kind of broker (Magician) who helps you decide between stocks, bonds, or real estate options. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. Sun upright AND Ten of Swords upright. Career: Grasping new ideas at work, challenging current rules and regulations, seeking a new position If you drew the Moon as the outcome/clarification, you are lacking clarity in some way. Refusing to get caught up in the illusion of their relationship. If these resonate, then this combination is most likely a warning for you to ground yourself back into the reality. They may either lack motivation due to fear or stress, or they may feel indifferent towards this connection. They do everything for the. Seeing a situation that had to end as it really is. Split the Tarot deck into two piles, each with the cards face down. A telephone conversation with someone you have a, Taking a walk through the woods with someone you connect with. There is a block that is stopping you from doing what you want to do. Your ex-lover returns. As celeste said, he feels like you're his other half. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. A very romantic woman who is often reciprocated in love. Possibly a boat trip. The alone one may meet someone and a . The end of one journey creates the beginning of another one, A painless death. Select one of combination to see what it means . Thinks dont come to those, Writing and yearning to be with someone who is overseas, Talking and connecting with someone you love or like about new business opportunities, Talking or discussing a new real estate move. For some of you, it seems like love doesnt interest you anymore. It does not indicate its over, but that a time-out is needed. She might need to use that stick with him. Turn over the card on top of each deck and you have your first Tarot card pair. The situation worked out fortunately well. what he thinks of me was the queen of cups. Unable to let go of a sitatution or relationship that is dead and over. Dont hide from your emotions, work through and heal them instead. Getting all your work done at a rapid pace. A woman he cant have will break his heart. If there is one person who can ruffle and irritate this queen, its the Knight of Wands. Both cards are about passivity and inaction. In our list of cards which are good for love, we have another card from the suit of Cups; The Ace of Cups. Playing a game in order to get ahead and win. Spying that could topple everything and everyone, but your quest to find the truth is overwhelming. Finishing your project, but being in a completely different frame of mind. She loves to stay at home and clean the house. Someone he cannot be without and the mirror of himself.. Emotional Supremacy with a situation is knocked down. Having to go to the hospital or doctors office to get some shots or another procedure. Be honest with yourself about how you feel, dont use denial to hide from negative feelings. Literally looks like the Queen is sticking her sword, (This combo came up with the Devil on top and the Queen of Swords on the bottom. Feeling tired, A sexual experience that brings you closer to God, It can also predict the ending of a relationship or a relationship that, It also easily predicts the end of a relationship whether it was romantic, Having the emotional strength to end a friendship or relationship. iFate uses the most generally accepted Yes or No meanings, but different systems exist which may conflict with this one. Being with someone, while wishing you were with someone else. Fourth, click the cards to get your interpretation for this Saturday. Having to beat a dead horse, in order to get clarity. . You call someone out on their promise, but they refuse to act. Can indicate a warrior or the blowing up of a building. Knowing calming that you are connected to something greater than your physical body. Heart choose those who are kind and patient. This suggests a merger or, The start of a passionate and physical love affair that moves slower than usual, Friendships can spark creative ideas that are long lasting. From the looks of the 9 of Pentacles, its a. Making something right again with patience and fortitude. Harmony and interpersonal relationships are at work here. Believing in the fantasy of having the perfect life, Outcome to a relationship reading: Its just a dream, a fantasy. The older man thinks highly of the rich single woman. Feeling different, eccentric, unique and alone. Ace of Cups - love and romance are on the horizon, whether a new one or in an already existing relationship. You win. With this combination, changing your negative mindset is the key that will unlock the happiness that you are missing. No its not the complete reading. Two of cups is a whole 'nother story, though, and then Three of Cups has much to celebrate, and is also girly. love. Leaving an situation which was causing much anxiety. Falling in love rapidly. He doesnt want to be tied down in a relationship, so he runs the other way, while in his wake leaving her heartbroken. Actively staying inside, while incubating and germinating new creative ideas. Choice in love between your current partner and a new partner. The Moon emphasizes this situation. Reversed Empress and Reversed 6 of Swords: Hierophant, 6 of Cups and Queen of Pentacles: harmonious, karmic, and happy. Tarot eBooks. Business with an unmotivated, lazy man is a bad options, You are not putting enough effort into your decisions. He plants the seeds of love with careful deliberation, She decides that love must grow and flourish between them. point and slowly, the relationship hurts the people involved. A lawyer. Pause and reflection about a new venture, idea or romance. If you are single, are there any repressed emotions or past relationship patterns that need healing? Click here to try one of over 20 different tarot readings for free. Unable to heal from possible drug or sexual temptations. She loves a man for his mind not his body. Having a lot of writing and work to do on an independent project, but. Trying to decide where to place your charity, Having a romantic partner where there are big socioeconomic. The Knight of Cups may also indicate pools, beaches and sunny hot places. Someone acting in a very obsessive, even repeatitive behavior. Whether it is fear, anxiety or insecurity- No matter what happened in the past, you cannot let these feelings weigh you down anymore. Writing a stern and strong letter backed by the legal system. Join in right now with the most popular readers & advisors ranked by Oranum. The Lovers and Ace of Cups Tarot Cards Together. What is clouding your judgement? An educational group or workshop where people come together in love and friendships. Our tarot experts drew this card for today! You really want to put a ring on her finger. Doing something creative over and over again. Walking away from a difficult situation is the best avenue for diplomacy. You know if you stay, no one will win, so you decide to leave the scene before it. Four of Cups denies all, and Five of Cups is so sorry. The good news is that with the Seven of Cups, you have many opportunities ahead of you. Travelling overseas to new and exotic locations. The Ace of Cups and The Lovers compared. Withholding his love makes him feel like a powerful victor. You are going through lifes cyclical changes. The Fool and Ace of Cups: New love, which is fresh, exciting and exuberant. This is a good pairing and can show a good relationship, Lighthearted of foolish behavior gets reprimanded, Possibly a younger person who has a shopping problem. Your relationship choices are of the utmost importance right now. The meanings of the The Ace of Cups and The Ten of Cups cards The Ace of Cups means. This card suggests overwhelming self-fulfillment. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. The Lovers is urging you to act like the Fool and embrace who you are, NOT what other people tell you you are. Diligent, industrious and task driven at work. Connecting and chatting with a person who has the Queen of Cups personality. This is not the same as finding an intellectual equal. Their unions are always upbeat and they are very romantic. Sometimes you fight the fact that its over, but it really is dead and over. Standing your ground in the face of opposition. Hes not interested in another sexual conquest. Easily handling the curve balls like a professional. The Nine of Cups represents a wish fulfilled, so it rarely fails to bring a smile to someone's face when it appears as the outcome card. You win. He comes in quick. I do NOT want to be in a serious relationship. The cards may be related on several levels including astrological associations, elemental . Shes got a great idea: Shes going to seduce him with words. They look up to him and admire him. Writing love notes back and forth over and over again. A well run business that his children will one day inherit. Ten of Cups represent love, harmony and joy. The realization that your marriage is over. Details. . Writing a long letter to someone with thought and attention to detail. The results should be stunning and beautiful. Feeling frustrated and anxious for putting in so much effort for no or very little profit. Moving forward very slowly even though you have so, so much to do. Moving something heavy only to have it broken. The Nine of Cups brings abundance and good cheer . Be careful because you need to keep reality in check before you have serious mental health problems. When prompted, he believes its easier to go at it alone, The eccentric and strange man always turns out the best business ideas, Now matter how much work youve put into this relationship, she has her eyes on a different prize, Sometimes work requires you to travel to foreign lands, They will reject your proposal for something better. A successful older man will help you succeed in business. Card 1 - Ace of Cups In the Ace of Cups card, there is a hand emanating from the clouds holding out a cup, as if to offer he querent refreshment. You may have a big family. One foot in and one foot out does not create the balance you seek. . Balancing a situation with the skill of an Angel. Are you daydreaming to escape difficult emotions? You have a lot of fun with one or both. They really feel you balance out this project. The over flowing of emotions is extreme when water combines with water. New business ventures with a very wealthy and intelligent. Four of Wands > The Hierophant > Three of Cups: Church wedding or ceremony of marriage, (also other cards that support marriage interpretation). All rights reserved. You are out of his reach, just like a fantasy or dream. You have something you have to do, which makes you feel heavy. lessons to teach you. Balancing out two social obligations. According to the Golden Dawn system of connecting tarot cards with astrological equivalents, the Ace of Cups is associated with the primary element Water. She makes him dress up in sexy clothing, but doesnt get turned on. Talking out a situation (to death), in order to understand the situation better. The Six of Cups also relates to children, family and childhood memories. If you are overly emotional or feeling lost in your head- take a step back and do your inner work first. Celebrations, friendships& special occasions are what the Three of Cups talks about. Hanged Man upright AND Nine of Wands upright. Failure is imminent if you continue the way youve been going. Making a misunderstanding right again. This is the way to succeed. You feel better after talking about the breakup. The King of Cups and Ace of Cups combination represents deep unconditional love . Contemplating business decisions over seas. Being up against the odds during the trial. The strong woman breaks the devils cords, The injections (sword) breaks down the bacteria/virus. Could indicate a soldier who dies in battle. Knight of Cups > The Lovers: A classic combination for an offer (or declaration) of love being made, invitation to go on a date or to become involved. They love talking and are always on the go. The Fool > Seven of Cups: Look for the next following card on the end to complete this as it could go one of two ways - it may show being foolish and unrealistic - or - it may show something new that leads to many options, the final card would decide. Details. Could be very humbling. This combination opens up new paths towards deeper, more meaningful . Indicates a major break up and move in the process. You will heal quickly. The Lovers and Ace of cups combo provides an insight into your near future, which is influenced by the tarot forces of (I) HARMONY (from The Lovers) and (II) NEW RELATIONSHIPS. Making a list, checking it twice. In the future position, can indicate a marriage. Waiting for all your options to arrive (many may not make it home). But do keep in mind the presence of the Lovers as a force . Playing with the kids makes you feel young. Will you or wont you? You continue with both, even though one needs to end. It is as if your emotional cup is overflowing with hope, love and joy- and you cant wait to start this new experience. So organize, plan and act on those plans. The Ace of Wands tarot card meaning, video by The Simple Tarot In Conclusion. A sudden realization that brings you heartache. Traveling to an exotic, foreign destination, A vacation is a good place for your heart to heal. Before we get to that, let's look at the primary meanings of both cards: The simplest way to think about the Ace of Cups is that it points to: Creative energy, passion and new romance. Spending the day at the beach. Controlling sexual desire in order to get real work done. Could be parents or a sibling. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. His heart is yours. Too much fire and you can burn out quickly. You will have to do some deep thinking and proceed with caution since relationship choices will affect the rest of your life. The three. Ending something that causes great spiritual and emotional depravity. Four of Cups represents the feeling of emptiness and unfulfillment in life. A journalist who is being censored, Being able to rewrite the story of your life. The end of a cycle. Going on a spiritual vacation, perhaps to Macchu Picchu or Tikal. Good fortune and luck for those who are patient. Control freak. Learn to read Tarot combinations in my Arrows tarot course here. Whatever it is commenting upon, Ace of Cups has something good to say about it. Lack of information regarding an event that works out okay. Tying yourself mentally to a painful situation. Could be teacher to. Get answer for your question by Tarot cards now! They have the perfect family balance where everyone loves the patriarch and he loves them. Families of opposites work together in harmony. Justice and any two matching King and Queen: never forms or a relationship that happened in a past life. When you are questing after love, but feeling sad at the same time, You and your friend(s) spend time shopping for gifts. Justice upright AND Eight of Wands upright. Needed insight comes from an outside source, The end of something that was holding you back. Creativity is at a maximum. Fight or argument where you have the upper hand. Advertise with us. Its something you have to do that you dont really want to do. Realizing your divine purpose on Earth comes from the Stars, She wants to look her best so she goes to the spa or medispa, Going to the movies (Used the Gilded Tarot Deck). Everyone at the boardroom loves him. For instance, if you get the knight of cups combined with the King of Pentacles, it could indicate the King of Pentacles will sweep you off your feet. No way around the traffic jam. The Ace of Cups, a Minor Arcana card is more likely to point to more everyday or less-important issues. However, feelings that the Moon represent is not as clear as the Ace of Cups. Marrying into money to a spouse who maybe involved in the law. Slowly and methodically asking the same questions over and over again but in a different way. Proudly created with. Love: Learning lessons in love, working towards a brighter future, intense healing. She thinks with her head, not her heart, but the young chap is somewhat amusing to her. Thinking about the past and how it will affect your future. A good combo for tapping into the power of your subconscious and the collective subconscious, Deep meditation and retreat from a situation, She needs time alone to meditate on the secrets to the universe, Someone returning from your past (perhaps a past life) who has valuable spiritual, An romantic offer from a man to an unattainable woman, his mistress, or an. He always seems to come in and help, but you must be aware of ulterior motives because why else would you feel out in the cold? The Moon next to it can indicate turbulent emotions regards to these topics. A relationship that is not built on love and emotional fulfillment, but built on security and money.
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