The survey also asked respondents if they thought that there might be one province in the Federation that gets more than they give by being a part of Canada, and the consensus overwhelmingly showed Quebec as that province even from Quebecois themselves. The former lacks even the veneer of democratic legitimacy, though it is constitutionally valid. If these statements seem insufficiently pro-Canada, I cant help but contrast the treatment Kenney gets to that of Yves-Francois Blanchet, the leader of the Bloc Quebecois. I wouldnt be surprised to see Wexit morph, in the national subconscious, into a fever dream of white nationalist uprising. With lower prices, the two provinces take in less revenue and so receive more equalization money. and about $18,000 less than in Quebec. As in the early 1980s, oil and gas is the flashpoint between Ottawa and Alberta. It may follow the doomed and creepily fascistic, Western Canada Concept led by lawyer Doug Christie, who made a name for himself in the 80s by defending anti-semites and neo-Nazis. It seems like a more benign entity now for being merely opportunistic in its pursuit of an ever-better deal for Quebec. 2023 National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. When search suggestions are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. They also reap the political rewards of the low hydro prices. Days after the 2006 general election, Stephen Harper convinced a Liberal MP, David Emerson, to join his Conservative cabinet. What's even more surprising is that 21% of Quebecers actually agree! ago Favoured Alberta Son? To this day the NEP retains mythic status in Alberta as. An Albertan looking at equalization with the glass half-full might say the province's wealth, relative to the rest of Canada, means it's too rich to need help and that's a good thing. A rule that made sense a decade ago, when Canada was in recession, might not make as much sense today. Much ire is directed at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Nor is it shocking that within the crowd were dyed-in-the-wool racists and white nationalists. EDMONTON Quebec is the least popular province in Confederation, according to new polling from the Angus Reid Institute. Chief among them is Trudeau's Senate policy, which is founded upon nonpartisanship in the upper chamber, with no Liberal Senate caucus and no senators in the cabinet. Politics in Alberta is weird, and we live in weirder times. Transportation is one of this countrys top greenhouse gas culprits, yet I cannot imagine Trudeau making a similar comment about southwest Ontarios car manufacturing plants, nor Quebecs aviation industry. Kenneys hostile handling of the environment file, his abandonment of Rachel Notleys consumption-based carbon tax and climate-change strategy risks riling the very green activists who had previously been appeased. Where Alberta only feels they are close with Saskatchewan. Finally, there's one question that's not random, rare or fantastical: Why do so many Albertans so viscerally loathe Justin Trudeau? When Kenney pins this decline on Trudeau, the East is not wrong to be a bit baffled. Just one per cent of Albertans and two per cent of Saskatchewanians feel Quebec is friendly towards their province. Robson Fletcher's work for CBC Calgary focuses on data, analysis and investigative journalism. Turning that question on its head saw respondents pointing out the province that they felt was giving more than it got by being a part of Canada. It's the politicians that are the problem, B.C. It is a priority for CBC to create products that are accessible to all in Canada including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. At best, it may prove to be a kind of political harm-reduction strategy, a pressure valve for separatist sentiment. November 7, 2019, The baseball caps were sold to the side of the rally at the Boot Scootin Boogie Dancehall last Saturday night. This goes a long way back to the corrupt and irrational politics of Alberta. Subscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada. It doesnt seem to be enough to perceive Albertans as wrong, or mired in a declining oil-and-gas industry that produces significant greenhouse gas emissionsthey must also be bad people. We've helped lots of families relocate and we'd love to help you too! Though it seems the biggest bone both Alberta and Saskatchewan have to pick is with Quebec. Exclusive articles by Conrad Black, Barbara Kay, Rex Murphy and others. Trudeau should make a substantive policy concession to Alberta. You are either with Alberta or you're against it. Rather than shame the province out of the folly of separatism, I fear this will have the opposite effect. It's around the $150,000 mark that Alberta returns to the lowest income-tax burden of all provinces. Off the top, separating from Canada seems like a very bad idea. A Rednexit hat is already available for sale on the Wexit website. Theyve been the subject of years of protests and exposs. You can even find embryonic western separation movements cropping up in the comment sections of news stories about the equalization program. Get email updates from your favourite authors. There is a militancy to some of Wexits language and memestalk of civil war, for exampleand pictures of men in full military garb, that could foreshadow something darker and more violent. The bulk of the adult, tax-filing population some 1.9 million people fell somewhere in between $25,000 and $150,000. If he doesnt want to listen, no amount of representation will make a difference. If Ontario and Quebec, with the first- and second-largest gross domestic products respectively among the provinces, can have their own federal agencies for economic development, so should Alberta, which has the third-largest GDP not to mention the biggest economic adjustment challenge of any province if Canada is to move down the path to the decarbonization of its economy. Ive just noticed that Albertans (online and even when you talk to them in RL), they seem to hate Qubec alot and will also blame a lot of things on Qubec. But even if the province reverted to its old system, most Albertans would still pay more than . The reason for the negative reviews about Quebec according to the poll is due to an average of only 5% of Canadians believing that the province is "close with or friendly" to the province they reside in. I know what an oil boom feels like, and how it feels when it goes bust. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. and Quebec over pipeline opposition. The movement will probably be riddled by alt-right wannabes, conspiracy theorists, and anti-immigration zealots. If each of your parents are of 2 ethnicities, do you wind up with one of each or are you a quarter of each? Whats more, Ottawa needs to be on the ground in Alberta in a way it hasnt been before, and it must be seen by Albertans to be making policy changes in Albertas interests. You are welcome to republish this Policy Options article online or in print periodicals, under a Creative Commons/No Derivatives licence. Franco Terrazzano: Canadians are united. Ginned up, the crowd chants: The West wants out. It's Albertans in the middle who don't fare as well, as you can see from the interactive chart below. Photo: Alberta Premier Jason Kenney delivers his State of the Province address to the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce in Edmonton on Tuesday, October 29, 2019. About 178,000 people in Alberta reportedindividual incomes of $150,000 or more in 2015, the most recent year for which detailed data is available. Alberta's income tax 'advantage' exists for the poor and the rich, but not those in between | CBC News Loaded. Ontarians aren't fond of anyone; Alberta is the province most-liked by Ontarians, but only 28 per cent of them hold that affection; and 40 per cent of Ontarians don't consider any other province. THIS CONTENT IS RESERVED FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. Confederation is hopelessly broken. The program intends to make sure provinces are providing comparable services across the country, but more often it is a political talking point. But times have changed. The oil price crash that continues to weigh on the economy was no politicians fault. If you forget about us, tweet after tweet from Alberta read, perhaps well forget about our payments to the equalization program. A new poll released by theAngus Reid Instituteseems to have found the answer to Canada's most disliked province. Saskatchewan, too, has raised issues around how Equalization is calculated, as has Ontario. (Can't see the chart? Ottawa isnt going to give a bunch of rednecks a fair hearing, or a fair deal. Whether Alberta should return to a "flat tax" on income has been the subject of debate recently. We have enabled email notificationsyou will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. In 2017, Trudeau told a town hall in Peterborough, Ont. (In that first year, the rate increased to 10.5 per cent for income above $125,000 and maxed out at 11.25 per cent on earningsabove $300,000.). that Downing, a former soldier and RCMP officer, had a history as a far right conspiracy theorist. Its hard to glean whether these are ambitious political organizers or keyboard warriors with delusions of grandeur. Share your thoughts and join the conversation in the comments. If you view the province as a collection of regressive hicks whose only claim to wealth is that they were lucky enough to be born on valuable dirt, then it becomes very easy to decimate that wealth. The only headquarters this government is passionate about preserving are the ones named SNC and located in Montreal, apparently. Here, we answer common questions and dispel some myths about the most resilient Alberta bogeyman. Even Facebook online. And what consideration is owed to a pack of hard-luck deplorables? Tensions have been high between Canadas westernmost provinces, with Alberta and BC being at odds over the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion project for the better part of 2018. Ottawa isnt going to give a bunch of rednecks a fair hearing, or a fair deal. Even where theres some love, its unrequited by Ontarians. That assumption emerged from Quebec's past attempts at an independence referendum. Next, longtime provincial Conservative party organizer Craig Chandlerwho earlier this year was the campaign manager for Jason Kenneys Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Minister Tanya Firtook to the stage to shill for an Alberta First purchasing program encouraging residents to opt for products produced by their neighbours. The big difference between 1980 and today is that Alberta is a much larger player in the Canadian economy and in our national life than it was then. Nevertheless, Trudeau should consider putting Equalization on the agenda of the next First Ministers Meeting to try to resolve some of these long-standing frictions and forge a stronger consensus on this key instrument of fiscal federalism. Ontarians arent fond of anyone; Alberta is the province most-liked by Ontarians, but only 28 per cent of them hold that affection; and 40 per cent of Ontarians dont consider any other province to be particularly close to them. University of Calgary economist Trevor Tombe said the program has room for improvement and agreed that some people may have legitimate grievances. have lower tax rates at their bottom brackets (5.05 per cent and 5.06 per cent, respectively), their basic personal exemptions are also about half that of Alberta. The provinces suffering is proper and righteous. To make matters worse, 53% of the Canadians in the study believe that Quebec takes more than it gives to the Confederation. Alberta, with its lower tax rates and lack of provincial sales tax, doesnt have the same luxury because the equalization program assumes the province could just raise taxes if it needed to. The Alberta agency should be headquartered in Calgary, the heart of the provinces business community. Email us The government of Canada notes that there is one circumstance in which it is proper to display the flag inverted: The transformation that took place while it was travelling across the Prairies was so complete that few now remember that the convoy was not some kind of white nationalist uprising. Joignez-vous aux dbats dOptions politiqueset soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant cesdirectives. Alberta has subsidized Quebec for decades. he big difference between 1980 and today is that Alberta is a much larger player in the Canadian economy and in our national life than it was then. Some suggest Justin Trudeau should do likewise today and bring an Alberta senator into his cabinet. Here is alinkon how to do it. In fact, the equalization fund comes from general federal revenues and grows each year in line with the economy. Story. Angus Reid. (Can't see the chart? Plus, special edition NP Platformed and First Reading newsletters and virtual events. For merely bringing up the fact that separatist sentiment in Alberta is on the risea trend apparent years before he returned to Midnapore. Its deputy minister should be a well-respected official who has worked at the senior levels of the Alberta government. Most people in Quebec are rather indifferent about the people in the rest of Canada. And thirdly, I would say we have allies across Canada. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. There are random questions. Facing a massive budget shortfall in the wake of the 2015 oil-price crash, the short-lived government of Jim Prentice introduced plans to kill the flat tax, but never passed the legislation before his Progressive Conservatives were defeated by Rachel Notley'supstartNDP. The oil price crash that continues to weigh on the economy was no politicians fault. Unlimited online access to articles from across Canada with one account. They don't know why, they just do. But, middle-income Albertans who account for the bulk of the population pay more than those in Ontario and B.C. To paraphrase a proverb, screwing is in the eye of the beholder. Jason Kenney is not Albertas Ren Lvesque. The green left has been leading a campaign to landlock our energy. The Road AheadisCBC Calgary's special focus on our city as we build the city we want the city we need. In this case, the Angus Reid Institute found that the most disliked province was none other than Quebec. And, 21 per cent of Quebecers feel that way about their own province, too. CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices. Plus, special edition NP Platformed and First Reading newsletters and virtual events. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. The Green Party will definitely never look after us and now we see the Conservatives dont have our best interests in mind, said rally speaker Ambrose Ralph. Daily puzzles including the New York Times Crossword. They look ugly. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. Once again, Albertans are going to see their own grievances reflected back at them through warped glass. Email: | Twitter: tylerrdawson. A year later the Trudeau Liberals unveiled the infamous National Energy Program (NEP). To this day the NEP retains mythic status in Alberta as the example of a central Canadian project inimical to Albertas economic interests. We have provincial governments who have got our backwere not isolated. Are you considering a Move to Alberta? Nefarious far-right conspiracies born in the dark heart of oil country, though never quite proven, are assumed. It will take at least that much to contain Alberta alienation after this election outcome. There are a variety of factors to consider, The Eco 5 launches in Canada today reduces volume of food waste up to 90 per cent, The best in budget-friendly, lightweight and dual-action hair dryers, 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. The reason for the negative reviews about Quebec according to the poll is due to an average of only 5% of Canadians believing that the province is "close with or friendly" to the province they reside in. Super Bowl-winning athlete talks football, his medical career and the importance of skin care. The other big part of the story is the resentment of Alberta, which is also especially significant in terms of Albertans feeling not particularly close to any province other than Saskatchewan, said Shachi Kurl, executive director of the Angus Reid Institute. From the usual short-fused social media users to conservative leaders, its not hard to find anger in Alberta about equalization payments. It should have a board of directors made up of eminent Albertans. He did. The phrase "Alberta tax advantage" figured heavily into thebudget introduced by Ralph Klein's government in the year 2000, which made income-tax reform a key plank. Alberta alone is still Alberta landlocked, and the solution won't be south of the border, because pipeline politics can be as tangled there as they are here. are happy to take redistributed . He sees the program as transferring revenue from Alberta taxpayers to governments in other provinces. | Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Low-income and high-income Albertans, meanwhile, enjoy the lowest taxes in the country. Around $100,000, Albertans pay less than Ontarians but still more than people in B.C. More than 77 per cent of Albertans gave the thumbs-down to . And, sure enough, Elections Canada forms are flying around the room. Sign up for our newsletter and get a curated list of the top READ MORE:Justin Trudeau's Current Approval Ratings Are In And Here's Which Province Hates Him The Most. This was the first year that the "flat tax" no longer applied in Alberta, but the progressive tax rates didn't escalate as quickly then as they do now. The only difference is that we are cutting the parasite of Eastern Canada off from our necks, Downing continues. Baked into that moral calculus is an implicit political one: its a very fine thing to wipe an industry off the map in a part of the map that doesnt matter. I can't stand Harper. Rather than shame the province out of the folly of separatism, I fear this will have the opposite effect. When search suggestions are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. And in the meantime, we have to manage that transition.. Just more than one-third of all Canadians believe Alberta gives more than they get to Confederation, while 16 per cent believe Saskatchewan does, too, followed by Atlantic Canada and Ontario, tied at 15 per cent. Quebec is a particular irritant for Kenney because the province receives the largest dollar amount of Equalization and is opposed to pipelines, thus frustrating Albertas efforts to get its oil and gas to markets. There is a moral component to which industries were choosing to transition. The oil sands are greenhouse gas intensive. and. Theyre a scapegoat, a channel for all the guilt and anxiety that we Canadians feel about our greenhouse-gas intensive lifestyles. Part of it is a surname that reminds Albertans of a profoundly painful economic calamity at the hands of a previous Liberal government, one that was perceived to be out of touch and arrogant, and they sense the same thing today. When a reporter parachutes into cattle country to root out a racist wacknut, the outlier and the anecdote become proof of the corrupt and immoral nature of the province and its political culture as a whole. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. I really believe at heart most Albertans are patriots, he said in a press conference delivered the day after the federal election. Daily puzzles including the New York Times Crossword. Read more about cookies here. Whether its on here, or r/Canada, or r/BritishColumbia or any other non-Albertan sub. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. A case can therefore be made that the escalator should be changed to reduce the growth rate of this implicit transfer from have provinces like Alberta to have not provinces like Quebec. (Of those, about 57,000 earned more than $250,000.). I don't pretend to have answers or solutions. week that it would move its headquarters from Calgary to Denver. And there is no point in continuing to try to explain anger and alienation to people who do not want to hear it.
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